Thursday, 16 August 2012

July 2012- not much improvement

Blue sky being somewhat rare this summer so far
The second month of summer only offered a slight improvement over the first, this courtesy of the Jet stream that moved further north than it had been and sat roughly mid-country. The jet stream had a buckle to our South West which was was still allowing low pressure systems to hit us from the atlantic.

A real taste of summer hit around the 22nd with temperatures soaring to the late twenty's and locally even higher and 6 glorious days of zero rainfall!

Mud tracks at the war and peace show, Hop Farm,
Paddock Wood, Kent
This brief respite only served to highlight what a shocking summer we are having in 2012, and despite those high temperatures July was the second coldest since I began keeping records in 2005 (marginally beaten by July 2011 by 0.2C and that was the coldest for quite a few years.

August will have to be exceptional to rescue the summer, and thats not looking likely!

Hawley Stats:
Mean Temp. 16.4
High.             31.1
Low.              7.9
High Wind.    32 mph

SE England Stats:
Temp anomaly: -1.1
Rain %.             176
Sun %                86