Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas Forecast

Some parts of central/ southern England had a covering of snow today, especially on higher ground and here in Hawley we had some heavy sleet for a while around 8am but no settling snow unfortunately, although I did see quite a few cars with snow on them as I was driving.
The 'storm' system that brought this snow on its northern flank has headed into France so the Uk has missed the potentially damaging winds that could easily have brought disruption that was feared.

 Has winter finally arrived?

 If you want a picture postcard Christmas with crisp white snow on the ground and beautiful star-lit frosty nights then you are out of luck this year as it now seems odds on that come the big day we will be under mild south-westerly winds and temperatures could well be in double figures, much milder than average.
So if you're watching the festive pennies and concerned about your heating bills this is your Christmas but if you're after snow then you need to wait until at least mid-January because all the pointers suggest this mild/zonal pattern is here for quite a bit longer yet.

1 comment:

  1. Well that tree looks shit.. Couldn't you reach the bottom of the tree to put decorations on... Well its been a busy couple of days here in the Mail room going through the hundreds of letters and emails I have been receiving from People with questions to ask about the weather.. Obviously I can't put them all up, but I have chosen a few.

    First one comes from Chris.. Dear Ken, Thanks for your response. Going to climb Snowdonia this weekend and after you predicted that there would be no snow,then I can't wait. Have a great Christmas and keep the good work your doing going.

    Another from a lady in New York.. She asks, Dear Ken, Why is it every time I get in a lift these days I come over all hot?

    Letter from Leicestershire now.. Dear Ken.. Thanks for your comments about visibility on Sunday. Me and my friends are flying this weekend. Should be a good one.

    Letter from Ahmed in Cairo.. Dear Ken, with everything else going on over here at the moment, this warm weather you predicted is causing me and my fellow Army friends to sweat a lot.. I find it unfair as a woman was half dressed yesterday, so we gave her a beating.. Is this normal? I think so, What you think?

    Email from a Friend of Prince Harry's via Blackberry.. Dear Kenneth, Myself and Harry and are thinking about doing a bit of travelling can you sugges.............. message not completed...

    Letter from Ting Tong Wang from the Philippines. Dear Ken, As you predicted no Rain here for at least 6 months. Thats great news. Thank you.

    Letter from Josef and Amir.. Dear Ken, Thank you for your warning about Storms near Java. He have chosen to ignore your views and have headed off bound for Australia.. Will try and send Postcard whilst on route, but not sure how as many people on boat. Will have a tinny for you my friend when we all arrive in Australia.

    finally letter from Graham.. Dear Ken, I am getting fed up being stabbed in the back at work. Can you suggest anywhere nice to go.. Preferably not by train.. from Graham - Ticket inspector from essex.

    More letters tomorrow people. Keep the good work going Ken. Everyone else should get down to William Hill and stick everything you have on a white Christmas..
