Thursday, 2 February 2012

Europe Freezes, UK Shivers!

The cold Arctic airmass bottled up over the North Pole for most of the winter has finally been let loose and is causing death and disruption across Eastern Europe with some places having their most severe cold spell for 30 years, temperatures of -20-30 have recorded in many places.
The icy fingers of that deep cold pool has stretched to the UK but thanks to the warm North Sea acting to insulate this island those extreme temperatures are not being experienced here.
severe temperatures over europe
But that doesn't mean that winter has not arrived because it most certainly has. After almost record breaking mild weather so far this winter this weeks temperatures have barely raised the Mercury and has certainly caused a shock to the system!
So,we have the cold but what about the snow? so far this cold spell has failed to deliver for fans of the white stuff, quite frustrating given that the frigid continental air has come from the coldest source and has crossed the warm (in comparison) North sea!
And so to the West we must look for our moisture, warm Atlantic lows are on a collision course with the freezing Siberian highs that are giving us temperatures 4c lower than average so far this month, and where these two systems meet then significant, prolonged snowfall will result, and for the lucky ones, should equal or better December 2010.
The current prediction is that Kent should see the most snowfall but all areas of England are under Met Office yellow alert for Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but as usual some areas could get plastered and some will miss out.
Will we get some here in North Kent?..I think so..


  1. Good post kennyboy......snow will be further west, no snow for us this weekend

  2. Fans of the white stuff... I thought Amy Winehouse was dead!! Also that picture at the top, is that Chris's 22 week scan?

  3. Dear Kenny Boy.

    This cold weather is causing all sorts of problems for my Garden Pond and my fish. This week I noticed that 2 of my fish had grown arms and legs!! Is this normal for this time of year?

    Many thanks

    Bob from Canterbury.

  4. Dear Kenny Boy

    Couple of questions. Will Sunday's football matches be on or will the bad weather force them to be cancelled? We really need the 3 points, well I don't, but the team do and if they can't have 3 points, then I am sure the wife will have them.

    Many thanks

    Chris Huhne MP.

  5. Dear Ellis,

    Me and friend going to watch football match tomorrow. If game go to replay, is it worth getting a ticket?

    1000 thanks

    Mohammed from Egypt.

  6. Dear Mr Ellis.

    Thinking about sending 2,000 personnel to the Falklands next week. What sort of weather can we expect.

    David and Nick.

  7. Dear Mr Ellis.

    Do you cover the weather in Spain. Just cashed my pension and having a holiday. Could you let us know.

    Many thanks

    The British OAP society.

  8. Hello Mr Ellis.

    What weather going to be in Taiwan this weekend?

    From Ting Tong via Internet cafeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  9. Dear Ken,

    Need to getaway for a bit. Can you suggest anywhere nice to go. I have heard Brixton or Jamaica would be nice. Also my mate Harry wants to go but he is refusing to pay airport taxes.

    Many Thanks

    John Terry

  10. Dear Mr Ellis

    Can you let me know what the water tempature in Mexico?

    Via iPhone from Brit treading water looking for my cabin.
